
David Benner writes, “Seekers settle for being finders, even when what is found is so much less than what their spirits call them toward. Being and becoming are both routinely sacrificed on the altar of doing.”

I can identify with that…

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Jeff KuhnComment
Family Meeting

I’m always hesitant to post a video of a sermon, because what kind of people watch sermon videos online? But I’m posting this one because it was from our GBC Family Meeting where I talk about what it means to be a part of our church and why it is so vitally important, both for us as individuals and for our community. So consider yourself warned…

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Jeff KuhnComment

One of the “friends” listed on my website is Impact Ministries, an organization based out of Kamloops, BC that works to develop schools in the mountains of Guatemala. Our church has partnered with them over the past 15+ years in the work that they do. Our most recent team just go back from 10 days there. There are too many things to say about this ministry that is not just educating children, but impacting people all around them with the Good News of Jesus. You should really check them out here.

Just to give you a taste of what it’s like…

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Jeff KuhnComment

Let me be honest and upfront: I love my job. I fully believe that what I do is what I was made for and would want to do nothing else. But there are days…

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Jeff KuhnComment

The more we immerse ourselves in technology the more overwhelmed we become. Instead of actually living life and experiencing our activities and the people around us, we seek to capture it, to contain it, to save it into a chunk of data that we can carry in our pocket. We lose the ability to actually be present, and even worse, we lose a vital skill in relationships: empathy.

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Jeff Kuhn Comment

“…I sometimes follow my doubts

outside to the yard and question the sky,

longing to have the fight settled, thinking

I can't go on like this, and finally I say

all right, it is improbable, all right, there

is no God…”

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Jeff KuhnComment

Maybe you've heard the story.  Last week Pastor Andrew Stoecklein of Inland Hills Church (Chino, CA) took his own life.  He was 30 years old, and with his 29 year old wife Kayla had three young sons, aged 5, 4, and 2.

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Jeff KuhnComment

That's the way it goes with "riches". You aren't given them to hoard them. They are to be passed on, to serve as a blessing for others.

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Jeff Kuhn Comments

We are all the same. In these hard moments, words become all that we have.  We use them like packing peanuts.  We think that if life is full of them that it somehow keeps us safe, protects us from being damaged or broken.

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Jeff KuhnComment

Four years ago last Sunday, my best friend (other than my wife) of 27 years died in a tragic drowning accident. His name was Matt Auten. He was 45. He left behind an amazing wife and two sons. He also left behind a tremendous impact on my life, so much so that rarely a day goes by without some memory or thought that is tied to what he meant to me. What's interesting is that in the past four years his absence has influenced me just as much or more than his presence did before.

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Jeff KuhnComment
Where are you, God?

“It's enough to drive a man crazy; it'll break a man's faith
It's enough to make him wonder if he's ever been sane
When he's bleating for comfort from Thy staff and Thy rod
And the heaven's only answer is the silence of God”

Ever feel that way?

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Jeff KuhnComment
Action or Reaction?

One of the biggest questions I run into as a pastor and as a person is "Why can't I seem to change?"  Even when I know the right thing to do I struggle to do it. I see time after time when people can't seem to shake a destructive behaviour, despite the fact that it brings them pain. This is obvious in cases like addiction, where drugs and alcohol take over a person regardless of how much pain and brokenness their presence brings. But the same thing happens more subtly with tendencies toward pride and selfishness, fear of failure and shame. All of these characteristics seem to propel us toward behaviours which actually do us harm, and yet it appears we are often powerless to choose the better, and healthier, path. I am coming to realize…

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Jeff KuhnComment
Learning to Breathe Underwater

When the sea came calling in my life, I had to realize that my faith isn’t what I do for God, or what I believe about God, but it is the fact that I am totally consumed by who He is.  My identity isn’t based on how I think or act, but on the fact that He has me.  The doorway has opened up for me to live in a constant relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and that has turned everything on its head.  That understanding, if it can even be called an understanding, has changed everything for me.

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Jeff Kuhn Comments
What about Bob?

I’ve known Bob for at least 15 years.  He’s unique to say the least.  He’s one of those people who passes through my small town on a fairly regular basis, before he burns his bridges or gets frustrated and moves on to the next place.  His life seems to be a journey between Vancouver, BC and Edmonton, AB. My little town of Hope, BC lies right along the way.

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Jeff Kuhn Comment
So much noise.

Recently I've been noticing how loud life is. Not literally, not like earplug loud, more like "full" loud. There seems to be no space where the noise doesn't penetrate and overwhelm. This noise I'm talking about is not just sound, it's more like mental clutter.

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